Friday, July 27, 2018

August CHIP Update

Dear Community Partners and Key Stakeholders,
Striving for simplicity in our communication, we are moving toward a new format for our monthly updates. Each month you'll be receiving a very short update, highlighting just a few noteworthy items and directing you to our blog for more information. Please let us know how you like the format or if you would like to see any changes!

The CHIP Advisory has been working on many aspects of how we work more effectively together. The next Advisory meeting is Thursday, August 2. And you'll find meeting materials on the right-hand menu bar on the blog. 

We're deep into the Community Health Assessment data collection cycle. Many of you have graciously offered to help host a data collection activity.  If this applies to you, just a heads up that we'll be reaching out in the next couple of weeks to finalize logistics.

The YMCA and ABIPA have been settling into their new roles as leaders for the Diabetes CHIP priority and both the Diabetes Workgroup and the Food Security strategy area workgroup are going through a "refresh" to determine what this work looks like moving forward.

There is a lot of exciting news from our Infant Mortality work. Check out the recently updated blog page for hear what's happening with Mothering Asheville (formally Community Centered Health Home) and the Sistas Caring 4 Sistas doula program, our home visiting collaborative and more!

We still are maintaining our blog pages on sharing how you can Engage on important issues related to our CHIP priorities and Social Determinants of Health, Support our many partners, Learn, and access Resources.
Keep up-to-date on more timely information and partner updates on our Facebook pageTo share your info on our Blog and Facebook pages, send content to Terri at anytime.

In appreciation of all you do!

The CHIP Team!